Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Memorial Day. Usually not a big holiday in the deep south but has become one with time. It is a big deal up North, it is the begining of the summer and the Indy 500 race.

We put out small flags along the curb out front here in Weatherford. There is another military retiree around the corner and he always has flags flying. Well, he is a Marine. I am just an Air Force type. But there you go, not a neighboorhood without a military retiree present. We are a bit more restrained in our flag waving but that's okay too.

It is the time of year I bar-b-que something. It is usually chicken. I used to fire up a kettle with charcoal and go for it. Now I just light off the gas. I used get a whole bird and do halves. Now my chickens have six legs and 8 wings, no second joints or breasts any more. Strange chicken but it works for me. Makes Judie happy too since she does not have to cook and she likes drumsticks. So we will be happy with our begining of summer meal.

As usual the wind is ripping along - no Radio Control (RC) flying. It has been exceptionally windy this year, the wind is either from the North or the South, sometimes from the East. West winds bring in the storms, the dry line and super cells that turn into Tornados or more commonly, hail storms. We have had two such storms this year, the first resulting in a new roof due to the big hail stones. But more often the wind is out of the South. I can tolerate up to 15 MPH or so, then I quit if above that because the air gets real bumpy close to the ground. And that's where I have to land, otherwise up in the air it is no problem - just landing - like real airplanes do.

I am hoping next weekend will be a good one to fly RC. The Springtown RC club is having a big to do with outside dignitaries showing up. Whether there are big doings or not, I just want to fly. Got a student to take off too. He is a 12 year old and seems very motivated to fly RC. His dad is Navy Veteran and an employee of American Airlines - he's a jet mechanic.

We ordered up a Mega Hydro flyer for nephew Paul. He has shown an avid interest in RC and so I thought I would get him started. The Mega Hydro is a "foamy" airplane with an electric pusher prop. It will take off water or land, does not have a landing gear, just scoots along on the bottom of the model. Being a foamy it is pretty tough, so he can not do great harm to it. I should not say that as when I do, something bad happens. Oh well, it will be fun.

Next big trip is back to False River Camp for the 4th of July. Jake and his beloved, Anne will come up via New Orleans. Her parents, Tom and Hildy, will come down from Madison, WI. I really don't see what the attraction here is for them but we welcome them. They are good folk.

We shoot fire works off at the camp. Lots of people do the same all along False River. So we see rockets, flares, pin wheels and the like during the late evening. We get out on the pier which gives a view all the way to New Roads and pretty far down the river the other way. We ooh and aah and enjoy the balmy night.

Ya can't beat it. That's what the camp is for.

See ya.

1 comment:

jlester01 said...

A dose of New Roads is just what we need right now!