Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fritzina is Back . . .

Fritzina is the name given to our fench lizard that lives in and around our back patio. It is a haven for insects and Fritzina's favorite food are crickets. Needless to say, we have few crickets around. She ranges far and wide, I have seen her scourering around in my garage (lots of insects in there) and she likes to climb the Hackberry tree next to the main bedroom/bath part of the house.

Not sure of the attraction of the tree but it has got to be food. They are dependent on insects for their livelyhood. No food, no lizards.

2 comments: said...

Hi there,

Would love to feature your blogspot on my Pointe Coupee/West Feliciana website called Would you be interested? If so, use the CONTACT US menu item in the left hand column of the website to find the email address and we can correspond.

False-River said...

I do not mind your republishing my blog. I get an occasional hit but more often than not it is a relative.

I have been using False River as a blog for many years. So my use of the name predates yours. But that is not a big deal to me.