Friday, May 4, 2012

Got Up Late . . .

I arose a bit late for me but then I did not have an alarm clock to bother me.

I rose, turned on the coffee pot and took my usual morning pills.  I seem to live on pills but I adapt easily and it that is what it takes, so be it.

Took my coffee out on the porch and observed the river in fog.  It was calm and there were a couple of ducks along the bank.  They were silhouetted against the water.  So I went and got my camera.

By the time I got  back to the porch, the fog had lifted enough for the ducks to launch and off they went.  But then I noticed a great Blue Heron sitting on the old boat house piece of a pier.  A lonely sentinel looking for his breakfast.

I took a few shots anyway.  With digital cameras you can take literally hundreds of photos and not worry about running out of film.  Young photographers of today will miss the ability to use black and white film all the benefits of a dark room.  Many shades of gray will be missed.  Now it is how many pixels you get and the cameras are constantly improving. Memory is growing and thus one seems to have infinite capacity to shoot pictures.  None of this work to compose, just shoot and it you shoot enough you will get some great pictures.

It was nice to watch the changes in the morning on the banks of False River.

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