Sunday, May 19, 2013

More Kites . . .

The Kite family is back.  While walking this AM saw three of them roosting in the dead tree in front of Andrus' house on Forest Park.  They like that tree.  No foliage to obstruct their view of the surroundings.  And when there is a fledgling, it usually sits there while its parents do the foraging for it.

All in all I counted nine Kites all in close proximity of the dead tree.  Four were across the street and then I say two more off in the distance on power poles.  Resting up I am sure after their long flight from South America.

Now we will see them soaring over the neighborhood.  Soon they will select trees for their nests.  They are not great nest builders but usually use the crotch of a oak tree to situate themselves.  They do not seem to use the same location ever again.  But it will be near enough for us to know that they prefer our quite neighborhood to spend the summer months.

There are literally hundreds of Post Oak trees in the area.  Also some native Live Oaks and of course, the Shumars that have been planted.  There are also some Barkley Oaks, another native.  With Lake Weatherford not more than a quarter of mile in the distance, and plenty of roosting spots, they will stay with us.

It is a small thing, but it is our thing.  Rachel Carson would be happy.

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