Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Snake ! ! !

Son Chris came over Sunday to visit.  We went out and ate Japanese in a local Weatherford restaurant.  After dining we returned home and Chris and Judie were kibitzing on the patio.

Next thing I knew Judie there is a huge snake in the yard.  So I donned by shoes thinking all the while it was python or something in the yard.  It was a common black water snake as they are so called here.  Much better than a Python or even a Copperhead (they are common around here).

The snake had also attracted a Mocking bird.  He and I watched at the snake preceded down the sidewalk toward the driveway.  Judie had circled around and was the driveway.  So the snake dived into the garage through a small crack near the bottom of the garage door.  The garage doors never seal anything up a 100% and there is a small gap big enough for this four and half foot long snake.

We opened the garaged door to see the snake scoot into the corner of the garage.  There was an electric chain saw, an old 20 MM ammo can (with tools and stuff in it but sealed up) and an old bed cloth.  Mr. snake had entwined him self in the bed cloth.  I drug it out to the driveway.

I had armed myself with a sharp shooter shovel.  Mr. snake stuck his head out of the bed cloth and I whacked him with the shovel.  Just to make sure I did it again.  He died.

We then trans ported him over to the vacant lot next door.  Threw him on an ant hill.  I am sure a possum or a Raccoon would find him and take him away.  Even the Foxes might do that. 

But it weren't a big snake, it was large for its type but no threat to anyone.  I did not want him staying in the garage, so I dispatched him.   Our neighbor, the doctor, had to kill one that took up in his garage a few years ago.  And I am pretty sure one spent the winter with us in the chest of drawers (I found a snake skin in the bottom drawer).  And he would be a threat to Fritz, the lizard.  So he had to go.

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