Monday, December 16, 2013

Can You Believe It . . .

Well after the great ice storm of December 2013, we still have unmelted ice on the ground.  It hit a little above 60 degrees yesterday and we still have globs of ice.  The globs are the result of a drifts and are found in corners where the wind whipped around and pour in more than usual precipitation.

And what ever it was, sleet, frozen rain and snow, it all turned to solid ice.  So some of those chunks so to speak were a foot and half deep.  Thus they are still there, especially if they are on the shady side of things.  We have a couple out front, one hidden under the Crepe Myrtle tree, and yet another on the back exposed part of the patio up next to the garage by the Bar-B-Q pit.  Not that we are doing any Bar-B-Qing, but at least it has give up its hold on the lawn chair that was there.  The legs were encased and frozen in place for week.  The chair is free, the ice is still there.  At least we do have access to the Bar-B-Q pit should we need it.

It is supposed to hit the mid sixties today and hopefully we will see the last of the ice in our yards.  Even a bit of the frozen remains in the valleys of the roofs, especially in houses that have good insulation (like ours).

At least the FedEx and Brown trucks can get around and deliver the Xmas gifts. The roads are free and clear.

So we will sojourn out to do a bit more Xmas shopping for the grandkids.  Got to get the right toy for them, ya know.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

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