Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Heat Is On . . .

After complaining for days on end that the wind was driving us crazy, the wind has slowed and now the heat is on.  It is oppressive some what dry heat with a gentle breeze.  Gentle breeze means little or no cooling effect.

I guess if it is not one thing it is another that irks us.  Of course, the wonderful invention of air conditioning does make life more comfortable.  But almost like winter, we are trapped inside where it is reasonably pleasant.

No pool to dive into, no backyard on a lake, kind of down in a hole and so air sort of stagnates. 
The breeze sort of moves it around a bit and that is all.

Good for flying but the model engine is down at the moment.  I got the part today and replaced the part, now got to install the engine.  That is a bit more work.  Then I have to set up the throttle and nose wheel steering control rods.  Most of the reconstruction from the nose first crash is done.  The final step is reapplication of the MonoKote covering.  Not hard, just tedious job.

Once all is in place a quick check of balance and things are a go.

It was a great 4th of July.

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