Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Plunge. . .

I took the plunge into the smart phone world.  The old flip phone could not be traded in or any credit for same obtained.  It is just a relic now sitting in its box slowly discharging into oblivion.  The new phone, well it is the same as Judie'sphone, a Samsung Galaxy 5.

It is a heavy little device, I guess it is packed with all kinds of goodies inside including a hefty battery to run all of its innards.  My phone number remained the same as did the contact list and that is about it.  All the rest is learning curve of new stuff.  It is not here on purpose, but I do know it.  Unlike Judie, it is not taped on the back of the phone case.

I have reached the level of frustration already that leads to the trash can.  The small but adequate starter hand book is irksome.  I know the authors have done a great job of telling you how to do things but alas it is in their parlance.  Sometimes a password is a user name, sometimes a user name is a password.  They mean well, it is just a matter of how they communicate.  And they do not always get it right - at least in my parlance. 

Whatever happened to the old adage, "the customer is always right."  It seems in their way is the customer is always stupid or dumb.  No expansion of what they want or mean in their guidance.  It is their way or no way.  But I am the guy putting up the money, so I should have some say so in the deal.  Uhuh, no way, Jose!  They ain't got time to do this so it may work for everybody.  I think sometimes it is written for a teenager only. 

Oh, well, I did manage to make a phone call.  That seemed to work okay.  We did get the WiFi connected, so I can read email now.  The clock works but then it worked on the flip phone too.  Nothing new there.  Tiny Querty key board crops up when you need it, got to be careful when tapping in letters.  Typing or as it is known now days, key boarding is faster in my opinion.  But I will get used to it, I am sure of that.

More frustration ahead, but a great leap into the future.  Pissing and moaning all the way.

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