Monday, April 6, 2015

Just Words . . .

Well plastered all over the news outlets are entries about the Iran nuclear deal.  There are Obama's glowing comments and then  there are the Iranian glowing comments about hour great the deal is.  They do not seem to coalesce, they do not fit together, something dire is missing.

And no specifics have been released.  The Iranians hint at that they got everything they wanted.  No facts.

Obama says it is an unbelievable good deal.  No facts.

Sounds like classic BS to me.  And the USA is getting screwed.  I hope Congress wakes up.  I hope the Senate takes a good look at what is going on.  None of it is any good.  I do not hear one general officer saying how great it is.  Something is missing. 

And both sides say the details have to be worked out.  That means there is no deal.  It means the American people are being misled.  Sounds to me like "If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance."  And "Your new insurance will cost less ."  We all know what happened.  None of that was true at the git go.

This President is hell bent on giving something to the Muslim world.  Nobody knows why and does not understand it.  He is a true lame duck and he is trying like hell to get away with a fast one.

Beware America, beware.  The Israelis are right!

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