Sunday, December 13, 2015

What An Idiot . . .

The President says the Paris deal on climate change is the best opportunity to save the earth.  What an idiot.  Talking about theory, a debated theory based on a flawed model that people skewed the earth temperature numbers to make it look bad.  Too much conjecture, too much malarkey, no solid science, only consensus to back it all up.  It is nothing by Cap and Trade again.

And while this is going on Islamic Radicals are planning to destroy modern civilization.  They are warring, they are shooting, they are actually killing people.  There is no consensus there, it is fact.  There is no hooking science, it is documented facts.  Yet, there is no world convention at Paris to stop the crazies that are trying to kill us.  How many more Redounds or Paris events do we need?  When is this idiot going to wake up?   He is showing signs of doing something about ISIS in Syria and Iraq but is stilled all tied up with his control to not hurt any innocent bystanders.  Well we all do not want to hurt innocent bystanders either, but what about the world's innocent bystanders?  No consideration for them.  What about American citizens?  No comment there at all.  Play dumb and it will pass kind of tactic.

The same idiot wants to resettle hundreds if not thousands of Syrian refugees in the US.  We already know they can not be vetted, there is little or no coherent data base anywhere, let along in Syria to provide vetting.  And what makes anyone think the Syrians give a good damn about it.  And the ISIS folks have openly said they are going to insert their people in and amongst those very refugees.  They seemed to have done it already in Europe and shot up Paris proving it.

This is the President of the US?  This is the world leader.  Give me a break, this person is just going to set up more deaths in the US and elsewhere.  He is essentially arming the Iranians with Nuclear Weapons.  And they are fast developing missiles to attack their enemies.

Ask yourselves why no nearby Arab nation is accepting any refugees for resettlement.  Yes, Jordan has refugees but they are not being integrated into their society.  The refugees are located in camps isolated from the local population.  The Turks are not taking any refugees.  The Iranians are not taking any refugees.  The UAE is not taking any refugees.  The Kuwaitis are not taking any refugees.   The Omanis are not taking any refugees.  The Egyptians are not taking any refuges.  The Libyans are not taking any refugees.  It goes on and on.  So why are we taking any refugees?

Here in Texas we have already had an "Honor killing."  A distraught Islamic father shot both of his daughters to death because they were becoming Americanized.  Unfortunately, he has disappeared and it is thought he has return to his homeland.  Do we want this kind of thing to occur here?  Do we want Sharai Law to occur as it has in parts of Paris and other European cities?

This  President and the Democratic Party needs to get its head screwed on right.  There is nothing in our constitution saying we have to accept these people in our country.  Indeed past Presidents have rounded up illegals and deported them.  It is time we do the same!

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