Monday, April 25, 2016

Finally . . .

My latest claim to the VA was approved and approved in record time.  The claim was for a rate increase for my Prostate problems.  While I am most fortunate, no Prostate cancer, I do have an enlarged prostate and that is know as Benign Prostate Hypertrophy or commonly BPH.

Often BPH is a precursor to Prostate Cancer but I have been rated for this disability since I retired from active duty, or about 25 years.  But the VA in its wisdom game me a zero rating back in 1989.  Now with the change in rating I have a 10% rating for BPH by itself.

The real kicker here is that the 10% pushed me into the 100% total disabled category.  That is a compensation increase and resulted in the most desired rating of Permanent and Total disabled.  
P&T as it is known means the VA will not reassess my present conditions that could possibly lead to a reduction from 100%.  That is they will leave me alone for the rest of my life unless I open the door for re-assessment by filing another claim.  I have such a condition that I can file a claim for but I will not, time to let it all die down so to speak.

The 100% and P&T also give me some increased benefits regarding life insurance (which I do not need nor want), education benefits for my children (who are now to old to use them) and dental and eye care.  I no longer need the eye care, I get an annual check up for my eyes due to  Diabetes Type II but that is paid for by Medicare and TRICARE for Life.  And I no longer have to wear glasses except to read sometimes, and I get the glasses off the shelf at Walmart for about $4.00 a set.  I also have dental insurance that I will keep because we like our dentist and he does good work.  So I will leave the additional VA benefits alone.

Compensation for 100% does result in an increase and that is about a $1,000 a month increase.  Not bad, it is all tax free.  And in Texas, veterans rated at 100% are forgiven their property taxes in most counties.  I live in such a county.  I will pay some property taxes but the reduction from the present rates will be on the order of 95%, so they will drop from $6,400 annually to about $400 annually.  Both of those numbers are significant to me.  Of course, I will lose the Federal tax deductible for the property taxes but that is very acceptable trade off.

You might say I have maxed out.  No more claims for me.  While compensation and tax eradication are most desirable, I would much rather have better health.  But that ain't gonna ever happen.  Now it is up to me to live as long as I can.

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