Thursday, November 10, 2016

Election Is Over . . .

The voters by state have decided whom they wanted for their President.  In doing so they repudiated the present administration and its candidate.  Now the ads will quite down but the recriminations have started.

We were told that should Trump get elected the stock market would go through the floor. It did not go through the floor, it accelerated upwards.  The market apparently likes growth and change rather than the status quo.  Times they are a changing.

The pundits and the polls generally picked Hillary to win.  She did not win and now there is soul searching going on.  Some even saying the Democratic party is in total disarray.  I doubt that, there will be endless analysis, etc. but times will move on.  New candidates will appear in time.  But hopefully the shenanigans will stop.  The question stealing and giving to one candidate, the exchange of lies here and there will stop.  Maybe integrity will reappear in the Democratic party.  Not that there is not any of that in the Republican party, but it was not aired like that of the Democratic party.  I personally can not understand how the Democratic party nominated such a candidate.

Hillary had to much corrupt baggage, lies to Congress, lies about her personal computer server and her Emails, about selling access to the Secretary of State to generated moneys for her and her husbands charity.  And using the charity to pay for non charitable events like the daughters wedding.  Corruption was flowing all over the place.

The American public is not stupid.  They were tired of Obama.  They were tired of the lies.  And now they are in shock that their candidate lost.

Well we no longer have to listen to candidate rhetoric.  Now we move on.  Perhaps we will wipe the slate clean again and start over.  That is the beauty of the great United States of America.

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