Monday, January 9, 2017

Inauguration Approaches . . .

The United States of America Presidential inauguration is approaching.  A change in power, in roles and in attitude of the nation is approaching.  Many will argue it is not but in truth it is so.  We see changes already in how the new President approaches the economy.  Indeed the stock market has racked 1.4 trillion dollar run up and he is yet to be in power.

Trade is showing signs of change already, companies are indeed retaining jobs in the US.  And if he can successfully reduce the income tax on the corporations countless millions, even billions, of dollars will return to the US economy.  And a change in the tax process itself may cause a boom.

Certainly changing and getting rid of the onerous Affordable Care Act will make great changes.   The Supreme Court ruled it a tax, so let us change the tax.  There are countless small taxes embedded in the legislation and that will release more money into the economy.  The present President lied again and again is supporting the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare).  Demagogues like Senator Bernie Sanders are saying we are condemning people to death.  Well the same people lived pretty good before Obamacare and will do so after it.  We went through Prohibition and now we are suffering through Obamacare.  It too will go away, something better will appear in its place.

Did it have some good rules, yes, of course it did.  But it had a host of ill-advised actions hoping the young and healthy would pay for the sick and indigent.  It is not working and it is sinking into bankruptcy as I write.  It can not carry the load and the radial idea that the healthy would pay for the poor just did not work.  Many are electing to pay the fine and do without coverage as they do not need it.  It stagnated the economy, and in eight years it failed to really recover.  Unemployment was redefined to hide the awful truth, with countless millions of people out of work.

What Obamacare did not do was break down the barrier of across state line health insurance coverage.  That led to higher and higher premiums with less and less coverage.

As the former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, said, "The trouble with liberals (and liberalism) is that when they run out of other peoples money to pay for it, then it collapses on itself."  That is paraphrase of what she said but it is true.  One can not tax his or her way out of the situation.  The people paying will revolt and that is what has apparently happened with the Democratic Party.  As the bun said in Central Station years ago, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch."  Huey Long used to say, "A chicken in every pot."  The Democratic Party was unable to continue the liberal bent and will be forced to change, move toward the center instead of to the left.

As we near the end of the Obama Era, the Democratic supporters are increasingly becoming distraught.  Calling for riots, calling for changing Electoral College votes, protesting at Golden Globes and other venues is rude and inappropriate.  It is short sighted.

The American people rejected the Democratic candidate state by state.  Yes, some of the more populous states did support her but she did not get enough electoral votes to win.  Congress has validated the election.  She was a horrible candidate, rigging the Democratic Nomination, lying again and again, doing illogical actions such as a private server allowing herself to be hacked by all kinds of foreign Delete repeated word.  Selling favoritism to line her pockets was criminal.  The American populous did not buy her rhetoric, she lost the race and is still trying to skate on the real issues.

Obama at times realizes he is done yet at others does not.  I would not be surprised to see him drag his feet in leaving the physical White House.  He is done, finished and over with.  Hillary Clinton is also done and finished with.  They will continue to carry on but would be digging an ever deeper hole.  At the moment they have done severe damage to the Democratic Party and it will be a while before it recovers.  Indeed the present leadership has not changed course yet either.

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