Thursday, June 15, 2017

A Sad Day For Me . . . Gammie Is Gone

I learned several months ago that my older sister, Herrise, had a cancer operation.  She had a kidney removed and the cancer had attached itself to her colon.  That all went well and the cancer was not the dreaded Kidney cancer, but a more benign one, a Spindle cancer.

But during her prep she had a full body MRI done and they found something in her lungs.  A biopsy conducted showed Lung cancer.  She circled the wagons and told her children that she was beyond surgery and she did not want to undergo Chemotherapy.  They made a bucket list together and she started checking off items.

About three weeks ago she fell and broke her hip and shoulder.  Painful but she was fixed up and was being taken care of by a hospice.  She moved in with her oldest daughter and started her recovery.

I managed to visit her about 10 or 12 days ago.  Nice visit.  She was in great spirits but terribly weak.  She was all skin and bones and was eating very little.  She managed to cheer on the LSU baseball team on to victory as SEC Champions.  She was a fierce fan of the baseball team.

She was fulfilling a bucket list item to visit her daughter and son-in-law's camp in Avoyelles Parish.  It is a fine home disguised as a camp.  Her children would be with her for a great weekend.  She fell quite and took a turn for the worse.  The brought her back to New Roads to Aletha's home on the lake.  She stopped eating, did not open her eyes Monday, was awake Tuesday but was unable to talk.

She died this morning.  She was 83 years old, had a full life, a family of fine children and a passel of grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Gammie is gone.

1 comment:

PCpeep said...


My condolences and prayers for you and the family. Praying that The Lord will strengthen and comfort you all during this difficult time and also for traveling mercies as you gather to celebrate her life and bury her. Oh, and Happy Father's Day!