Monday, February 19, 2018

Is That It, Mr. Mueller . . .

Let's see, the Russians spent $1.250,000.00 interfering with elections and we spent probably five or six millions of dollars to determine that it was 13 Russians and 3 Russian organizations that did the interfering.    If I read the news right, it was the FBI that did the real investigative work and Mr. Mueller gets the fame.  And we spent four or five, or six times as much money as they did in trying to interfere to prove it.  Give me a break.  What an absolute waste of money.

So far one conviction for lying to the FBI by a former Lt General.

What a waste of time and energy.  What we should get out of all this waste is that it is virtually impossible to upset US elections by foreigners.  We all kinda knew that, didn't we?  We have literally 50 different ways of electing our presidents, that is that there are 50 different states and they each do things differently.  Each state has subdivisions, etc.  So it is extremely costly to get our presidents elected and probably more costly to ever interfere with the elections successfully.

After a year of probing, talking, skulking around, we find out that there is no collusion by the GOP with the Russians.  We did find a lot of collusion by Hilary Clinton, etal, with the Russians and nobody is doing nothing about it.  Well there is still hope, maybe Mr. Robert Mueller will turn to investigating the Clinton's now.  Ya think, I bet not!

Come on people, wake up.  Get over the election, Trump won and has been President of the US for over a year now.  Does he have faults, yes.  Did he lie to the FBI, no.  Has he fixed the economy, well that looks like a yes.  Has he proved he will do the unusual, yes.  Has he gotten rid of useless regulations, by the ton.  He has been functional, no red lines in the sand, he attacks.  You better believe the world knows the US is back being the US.  We can walk with pride in the overseas streets.  We are back to Teddy Roosevelt, "Talk softly and carry a big stick."

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