Monday, August 20, 2018

Stress Test - Meh . . .

I had another stress test today, a nuclear stress test.  I expected to trot on the treadmill, etc.

Nope none of that.  I had an IV inserted in right hand.  Then the shot me up with stuff and followed that with a saline shot to clean out the IV (or so I was told).  Then I was covered with sensors on my chest.  I did not have to put on a gown as I was prepared to trot and was in a T shirt and shorts.

After that I was "scanned."  I am supposing it is something akin to a CAT scan.  Then I was run out of the scan room to the lobby and told to drink a cup of water.  I am sure the water was to add to the blood supply or something like that.  To make the solution to flow around the system easier.  Of course, I really do not know why.

After a wait was ushered into the treadmill room and told to sit in the big chair.  They then took my Blood Pressure and shot me up with something new.  And then a second shot was administered.  That was the stressor.  The nurse said I would feel weak, shortness of breath, etc. and that would go away in a minute or two.  I had no particular sensation at all.

While the stressor was going on they were taking an EKG.  She took my Blood Pressure again and entered that data into the machine.

Then I was run out again to the lobby and told to drink a cup of coffee or drink a Coke, something with caffeine in it.  So I had a cup of coffee.  I also ate a packet of crackers and peanut butter.  After about 15 minutes it was back into the scan room.

After the scan it was out the door with an appointment to see the Cardiologist later.  I am sure the data has to be absorbed and scrubbed and then the prognosis has to be drawn up.  There were would be a report of sorts, I would get a copy and my primary physician would get a copy.

If something shows up I am sure the alarm bells will go off and some procedure would be done.  I think I am in good shape so I figure nothing will show up.  Just a nice conversation with the Cardiologist.

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