Friday, November 8, 2019

Virtual Private Network . . .

I signed up for the Virtual Private Network (VPN) as a security software package to protect my accounts from Internet scams, etc.  VPN does two things, the first is it encrypts your correspondence so others can read your message traffic.   The second thing it moves your Internet address is relocated to some odd location.  In essence it is my private network and it constantly changes.

This means when you use the computer your signal bounces from your computer to the false address located somewhere else and then the message goes into the system.  It slows down your connection but that's okay for the level of protection you get.  And you get some interesting things show up in the side bar ads.

For instance, I used the United States of America as  a source location and next thing I notice is an advertisement for a casino in California.  The odd thing is that I used to live about a half mile from that indian reservation and used camp on the reservation with the Boy Scouts.  Today, that area is off limits and closely guarded because of the casino.  I am told by old friends that each and every member of the tribe gets $140,000 a year.  How times have changed.  That was forty years ago.  Then they were poor as dirt and friendly.  Now they are very standoffish.

Later I switched to Canada and sure enough the side bar ads were definitely Canadian.  The intro web page now had stories for Canada not the US.  Ye, the big US stories were headlines but the lesser stories were all Canadian in nature.

I switched to New Zealand and got similar things from that part of the world.

It means that when the service is turned on, and it is own most of the time, people think I am in those countries and not the USA.  And when I use the USA, it relocates my location to somewhere other than where I live in Texas.

So I know the system is working.  This keeps people from locating you and hacking into your computer.  This is ideal if you have a laptop computer and you want to use it at the book store or coffee shop somewhere that is very public.  Some one can see you and then try to hack your laptop and can not find you, so they are stymied.    VPN is a great security tool and does not cost very much for what it does for you.

Yes, your emails to me will reach me.  They will not be blocked.  But all the scaming activity will be screwed up.  There are nine or ten companies that can provide you the service.

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