Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Road Back . . .

Ah, the road back. We chose to drive up LA 1 through Marksville with intentions of visiting the casino. But we got there far to early to eat and neither one of us wished to play the slots, so we pressed on.

As we turned the corner by the Exxon/McDonald's in New Roads, we saw that the price of gas was $3.49 and 9/10s per gallon. That is expensive compared to other local prices. Further back near the little casino in New Roads, the price of the same brand of fuel was $3.19 and 9/10s per gallon. We did not buy gas in New Roads but pressed on the Marksville.

Since we decided to press on from Marksville, I bought four gallons of gas with the intention of refueling in Natchotoches. As we progressed on up LA 1 we noted gasoline was well under three dollars a gallon. In Fifth Ward, the price was 2.89 and 9/10s per gallon. But since we had already bought gas sufficient to get to Natchotoches, we did not stop.

An hour later we approached Natchotoches, I saw that we had sufficient fuel to make it to Shreveport and it was too early to eat. So again, we pressed on to Shreveport. And we ate at Windy's and drove over to the Raceway station and bought gas. Raceway gives us a 3% discount, so while the gas price was 2.92 and 9/10s our discount would make the price about $2.84 a gallon. We tanked up. And charged out of there for home.

We hit a hard down pour just east of Canton and plowed through that at record speed. There really was no way to slow down or you would have been plowed under by a semi. The semi's were holding steady at just under 75 MPH. I had to turn on the defrost system to keep the windshield clear to keep the visibility up. So we alternated turning on the defroster and the air conditioning. We successfully got through the down pour. We traversed several showers driving under Dallas on I-20.

We elected to jump off at Hulen Mall area and ate at Lubby's in Fort Worth. It was early about four PM but there were a few of us in the geriactic crowd eating away. As we were leaving it was picking up with more customers who chose to eat at normal hours.

We pulled into Weatherford, visited a bit with our neighbor who had picked up the mail for us. It seems with no surprise to us that nothing had happened in the neighborhood since we were gone.

Another week is well underway. . .

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