Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm Tired of it . . .

Yes, I am tired of it. What is it? Being sick. My sinuses have been running for two plus weeks. I have had a cold gotten over it and yet its effects linger on. Now Judie has it. Steady drainage down the back of my throat. This after getting my Flu shot. I know that the Flu virus is not the cause but sure seems so.

Nothing taste good any more, in fact it all tastes the same. Bland, bland, bland. Tried burning it out with alcohol, no joy. Tried buring it out with hot salsa, but that didn't taste so good and did not do the job either. Tried going to bed early for a good long rest, just resulted in an early wake up.

It all started at Aunt Bobbe's funeral, it has continued through Tattie's funeral. It is time for this to quit. Yes, I go on my medicinal walks, got to keep the heart rate up and a little conditioning going. But my butt is still dragging around, with a blocked ear this AM. Good thing I have the Sierra Hotel nose spray, it works but I must use it limitedly as it is an antihistamine and that stuff raises one blood pressure.

Only thing still tasting correctly is coffee and Diet Coke. The coffee is doctored up with Cremora and synthetic sweetners. The Diet Coke is the same, synthetic sweetners plus no caffeine (though that does not seem to matter, the coffee is full of it).

Maybe this is adverse stock market mental problem? The stock market is through the floor and not gonna go up anytime soon. Sold some losers and bought some interest type stuff but just riding it out. Most advisers seem to say, ride it out. I am selling only to balance losers with winners that I got rid of so I do not have to pay excess capital gains taxes. Good thing we had a lot of stuff in GNMAs and munis, so we have not been hit as hard as others. But we been hit. No to worry, we do not have to rely on income from investments, our retirements are adequate. And we have lots of cash reserves, so . . . May that is not it after all.

Saw where the Saints won in Wimbley. Beat the San Diego Chargers which is a good team. And Dallas won by the skin of their teeth - they did play good defense. LSU did not play good defense, in fact they played "no fense" at all. To top that off the crappy offensive coordinator set up the same score for the opposing team that he had done before for other teams. Some game plan - written by stupid and executed by the naive. Well may be next year. LSU gave away two scores, had they not done that and I blame the offensive coordinator, they could have tied the game. But no, stupid prevailed.

Until next week . . . .

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