Monday, November 3, 2008

Tomorrow is the Day. . .

Yes, tomorrow is the day, election day. While I hope for the best it is probable that living in a Democracy we will get some kind of compromise. It seems our great nation must go through a session of agony of a righteous but misguided leadership. We as a populace seem always to have our hand out for something that is promised but never happens. And we endure the term of that leader with stoism. The populace does remember the past and results in a change of regime.

If the election turns out the way the polls and the media wishes then we have to expect changes, changes that may not agree with us very well. The good news is that the economy rarely, if ever, does what the politicians want it to do. I mean you can not give away the house and expect the house to continue to prosper. So amid the hoopla, there lies disaster. The stock market goes its way and is rarely ever wrong.

It is trickle down versus trickle up. Ever see anything trickle up? That is not in the nature of things. But we must not mix the reality of gravity with economic theory. We do know that vast experiments in "share the wealth" have not worked case in point is the now defunct USSR. We have seen what dumbing down has done to our educational system, is the economy next? If left to Barney Frank the economy will be next.

There may be yet one check in balance that the Democrats have not counted on, that is the Congress rarely does what the Executive Branch of government wishes it to do. And so compromise still reigns. May be less compromise but none-the-less some of it will remain. After all there are maverick Congressman and women from both parties and that may serve to control some of the rash exuberance.

It is certain that the black population will support Obama because he is black. That is not racism, that is black pride. I do not think there is anything wrong with black pride but one should listen to what he espouses, and that is not good. There is a possibility that he will suffer because he is black and that is bad. He should win (or lose) because of his positions and philosophies but no one is listening to to what is being said.

Jimmie Carter was and is a disaster. He was so inept that the Iranians made of fool of him. Ronald Reagan spoke out and the Iranians caved in immediately upon learning that Reagan was elected. Carter, a typical Democrat, slashed the Defense Department budget and we suffered through that period. Reagan restored the budget and increased it to the point that the USSR collapsed. Reagan brought down the Berlin Wall, the symbol of tyranny. Carter nourished it.

Well, we as a nation must go though these cycles. Presidents rarely can influence the economy, though Reagan, Kennedy and George Bush did. We will look back and compare the George Bush years with the Bill Clinton years and note that things were indeed much better under Bush than we thought. We will see that employment was greater under Bush than it ever was under Clinton. But we will rely on history for that information, and listen to the current demagoguery of the sound bytes. And we will suffer.

Now we enter the age of hard times. Harder than that of the Carter years but hard none-the-less.

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