Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fall is closing in on us. . .

Yes, it is. Fall is closing in on us, we have already had one frost. Soon the Lantanas will be brown, they can not take the cold. And some plants like the Begonias are showing extreme stress. The pepper plants have lost their leaves and some odd peppers are scattered around. The Cananas are burned back too. Roses are holding on but soon they to will shut down.

The curiosity is that we have a couple of Iris' blooming. They are rebloomers but to do so this late, well that is something. And the Daffodils will start to punch up. I am sure the Home Depots and Lowes has abundant bulbs for sale. It is time to plant them more or less.

The two Shumark Oaks out front are showing some color now. The one in front of the den has a few reddish brown leaves while the one in front of the bed rooms is much farther along it its fall colors. Genetics makes them change or drop their leaves at a slightly different time. The curiosity this that the put on leaves the same way, its like they are three weeks apart. And I note the little one next to the big Hackberry on the side of the house is well on its way to changing colors but then it is only about five high and maybe an inch in girth at this time. We know that it will eventually replace the Hackberry. Had a Post Oak in there too but we have cut back so many times I think it has quit.

We have even shut down the sprinklers. Give the well time to recharge for next year, at least we hope so. We had a nice storm the other night, about two plus inches, some places got as much as four inches of rain.

The Christmas turkey has been ordered. We get a smoke turkey from Tyler, Texas every year for Christmas. We have been doing that for years now. We order the turkey by relative size, they smoke it and ship it out in time to arrive at its destination. Then they send us the bill. They still do business the old fashioned way, once you are an established customer, well they treat you right. And all of our family now expects to eat smoked turkey at Christmas dinner.

So fall is here - again.

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