Monday, November 24, 2008

A Short Term Congressman . . .

Young Don Cazayoux, son of Ann and Don Cazayoux, a relatively long term state representative from New Roads, was ousted from office. He was elected six months ago against a black Democrat and a slimy Republican. So Don was in office for six months.

He maintained that he was a "Conservative Democrat." Nice try, that went out with Barry Goldwater back in the mid sixties. All those so call conservative Democrats have died off or retired from the political scene. They were driven out by the likes of Lydon B. Johnson and Jimmie Carter. They are dead and gone.

And then he solicited and received a boost from Barrack Obama. That sort of sealed his fate.

To be fair, he was running against the same black fellow as an independent and strong republican candidate. Don maintains that the independent black candidate drew off enough votes to sign his defeat. He lost by about 15,000 votes. True his black opponent also garnered about 15,000 votes. Maybe enough to elect him but not enough as the Republican candidate got enough votes to seal the election. When you beat your opponent by 15,000 or so votes, it means you won handily.

So what went wrong. Well there was the black independent splitting the black vote but they are the majority voters, so . . . Don worked hard to help the people of Pointe Coupee and New Roads and got a lot of local votes but just not enough out of South Baton Rouge and Iberville and West Baton Rouge Parishes to make it. He got beat up pretty bad over the Obama endorsement. Did not help him and indeed may have hurt him. Obama did not carry Louisiana.

Word is that he will be appointed Central Louisiana Federal Prosecutor. Of course, that means Obama will have to fire the existing prosecutor (he's probably a Republican). Seems like there was a lot flak for George W. Bush for firing federal attorneys. So I wonder. He would make a good prosecutor but . . .

It is ironic that we share a common cousin though we are not related to each other in Lindy Boggs. Don's great grandmother, Auntie LeBlanc, Mae Hess' mother was the sister of Lindy's grandmother. Further irony is that Mae Hess was my God Mother.

I learned just a few days ago my God Father was Uncle Ham. Did not know that while he was alive but always greatly admired him. He died to young. He rose to the rank of Colonel in the Louisiana National Guard and was even a contender for Brigadier General but that was not to happen. He gave me his desk name plate, beat up but functional. I used during my days as USAF Colonel on active duty. Lots of folks could not understand why I had that beat up desk plate but I was singularly proud of it.

Any way, I am a Republican. My father went from being a "conservative Democrat" to being a Republican before his death. I am not a Republican because he was one, it is something that happened to me in the service of my country. I saw first hand what the likes of Jimmie Carter did to our defense establishment. I was a Ford supporter before Carter and yes, I did vote of Dick Nixon. Nixon was a crook of sorts but he was the finest foreign policy President of our times. Reagan was even better but that era is past.

"Now we wait" - a line from Harry Potter. Barack Obama, the change man, is putting Clinton Democrat after Clinton Democrat into the cabinet. So where's the change? The American public has been fooled and fooled badly. There is no change, except that Democrats are replacing Republicans.

I wish him luck. He's gonna need it, because the Clintonistas are gonna wreck harvoc in his administration.

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