Friday, September 11, 2009

More on USAA

Got a call from a nice young lady that wanted to talk, she was from USAA. Started okay, things were nice then she set me off. The same old BS from them, so I ranted at her. She graciously stopped the conversation and said she would send it on to here department head. I said I had already written the President, Major General Robles, we did not need a department supervisor, we need action.

So time is running out. They have until the 15th, if nothing comes by then or no action is taken of opening up the web page, well I will start moving things out of USAA. I used to care and thought the world of them, now I don't care anymore. They were once my "association" now they are just another conglomerate with a different twist. Oh yes, it has some remnants of the old organization but it has evolved to far different organization, the member is no longer supreme, the member is just another sheep to shear. I guess that is what growth does a to organization like USAA, it becomes a many headed hydra. It has become self serving, not a service organization. The MBAs have taken over.

Others seemed to have recognized that change and thought nothing about it. They rolled with the punches and pressed on. I guess I am stuck now with life insurance and a few other things like a mortgage that are not moveable. Trust me, if I could move those assets and/or change those contracts I would. I believe in using one's wallet to make statements. Those things that I can reasonably move, I will. No big thing to USAA, just a flea on the butt of an elephant or even less so.

I think I will check in with Armed Forces Benefit Association. I have life insurance with them, maybe something can be worked out like a transfer. Some how, I don't think that will work out but worth looking into.

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