Thursday, October 8, 2009

Florida is Coming . . .

Florida is on its way to Tiger Stadium. They are a formidable team; quarterback Tebow is outstanding player. So they are well equipped. Unfortunately, Tebow is recovering a concussion suffered in the Kentucky game. He was hit solidly, did not see it comimg. The bad part was as he went down, he hit his head on another player. That was a substantial blow.

He evidenced a concussion and was carted off the field. While being carted off the field he tossed his cookies, which is a classic symptom of a concussion.

As you can imagine there is a lot of hype surrounding the game. Coach Miles said it right, "No one wants to see a player injured, and Tebow is a great player." So I do not think LSU will go gunning for Tebow, but should he play, he is gonna run. And if he runs, he is gonna get hit. The danger comes when he gets a hit he does not see coming, that could be bad for him.

The game will be a good one. It can be a history maker for either of the teams. The winner certainly will go on to the National Championship. Of course, there will be the SEC play off before things are done. Could be that these two teams could meet again, ala LSU and Ole Miss years ago. LSU won the first round Halloween Night and lost the second round in the Sugar Bowl.

Can history be repeating itself again?

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