Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another Break-In . . .

We have had another break-in in the neighborhood, second one in the past two and half months and at the same house!

This time the culprit kicked in the front door. He (could be a she but I doubt it) got $5.00 in change and departed. The indoor alarm probably went off. These folks had there system hooked up with monitoring and with auto call to the police. They got the call from the security service when they were on their way home from work, in fact were only one exit from turning off on Mikus Road.

So they got home, no cops yet and took a look around the exterior of the place. Found the front door smashed in. The cops finally showed up and went in to make sure that there was not felon inside.

I can only surmise that the house is next to a vacant lot, so that there is nobody next door to see them. And the front door is recessed, easy to get in without being seen by anyone on the right or left. There must be some criminal break-in checklist to follow.

Our neighbors do not have an exterior alarm, just an internal one. On their first break-in, the criminals smashed the control box to stop the alarm. But they must have realized that there must have been some kind of call in. The alarm companies always call to make sure that the resident(s) is/are okay. That is usually a tip off that the alarm has been triggered and the cops may be on the way.

The city is going to put in temporary cameras for 45 days to track people coming and going. We may be able to get them to leave it in place for another 45 days. The neighborhood watch signs did not scare them off at all.

So we are getting our security system checked out and updated. Since we are gone several times a year it probably is smart thing to do. We are after all right next to the vacant lot. But we have a neighbor directly across from us and relatively close to our neighbor on one side. The side facing the vacant lot has no entrances. So we are not an ideal choice but could be the second choice.

I guess the recession is embolding thieves.

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