Friday, November 20, 2009

The Eye . . .

The eye. Judie has had cataract surgery replacing the lens in the left eye. She suffers from dry eye syndrome and that has complicated things very badly. Normally one recovers in a day or two from the surgery, in her case she is still on the mend.

After the surgery, she blinked her left eye so much she had a surface abrasion. That was painful and irritating at best. Back to the eye doctor the next day, a Saturday, and they put on a "band aid contact" lens to protect the eye. She then started a treatment of eye drops, three different kinds, one a steroid to enhance healing. She was taking drops 8 times a day. We were back at the eye doctor on Monday to remove the "band aid."

Things have settled out a bit, not as much pain if any now. Still quite sensitive to light and she wears these wrap around sun glasses outside and in the car. She says instead of looking through Vaseline, its like looking through a veil of water now. So it is getting better.

She will have a Lasik tune up later next year. That will fine tune the vision. Hopefully she can fore go using glasses at all, of may be just use "readers." Time will tell.

She will not have the right eye done until next year. Good that she is waiting or she would have been literally blind. As it is now she is having trouble reading, she likes to read a lot and this is hampering her style so to speak. Watching TV is okay but can get boring to her.

Progress is slow but sure at this point. She is a bit disheartened by the whole thing. Others seem to recover in one day, and here she is still suffering along. The "dry eye" thing really cause a problem.

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