Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wow - What a Difference an Election Makes . . .

Wow - what a difference an election makes. Rush Limbaugh just announced that Madam Pelosi has announced that she does not have the votes to pass the Healthcare Bill in the House of Representatives. At last the Democrats are listening to the American people.

Senator elect Brown has upset the apple cart and that is a good thing. Does it mean we will not see a Healthcare bill, I think not. But it does mean we may see a more reasonable bill, at less expense and with more tort reform, something we need. It also probably means "Cap and Trade" is dead too.

Also the Supreme Court has struck down portions of the McCain - Finegold act limiting campaign contributions. It allows that corporations and non profits can contribute as much money as they want to candidates. Next will be a suit about limits imposed on individual citizens, it is a matter of free speech. That is we can give to who we want when want, and that includes political parties and candidates.

It seems rationality is returning to Washington. The absolute majority of the Democrats is broken and than means more reasonable legislation in Congress. All this backroom stuff: the "Louisiana Purchase," "Nebraska rake off" and the "Union Healthcare deal" are dead, as it should be. Perhaps openness will indeed return.

We need balance and we are about getting it. Socialism is being restrained, perhaps even stopped. Maybe the Whitehouse will listen and become more centriest. There is hope. Like it is said, "What a difference an election can make."

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