Monday, December 27, 2010

Getting Up Steam . . .

Trying to get up some steam, not much interest in going out into the cold garage to fiddle with models. I do have a nice new propane heater that gets with it but it takes a few minutes to do that.

I have a ton of repairs to do on models, some rebuilds and some new construction. But when it is cold it just is not a whole lot of fun. Need to get with it.

I started feeding the birds again. Judie does not seem to have the energy or desire to do it. So I went out yesterday and filled up the feeder in front and one in the back. And boom, the birds are here. They know where the food is.

This AM I noticed that Blue Jays were even feeding here. Plumped up for the cold, colors are darker too, like mountain Jays. They spot the peanuts from a mile away. Don't know how they do that but it sure brings them in.

I noticed a couple of Crows trying to break the ice in the bird baths. So I took a pot of hot water out to help melt the ice. They were frozen solid -p it was 26 this AM. Those old Crows were pecking at it to break it and I can tell you there was no water underneath the ice. So I dump a pot of hot water in each bird bath and that will speed up the thaw.

Water brings the birds, food makes them happy and they stick around for a while. But water is hard to find in the winter. So if you can get your bird baths to thaw they will really come in to visit. Even saw a couple of Blue Birds out by the bird house. Checking out the arrangements maybe.

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