Friday, January 21, 2011

Its Cold . . .

Brrrr. It was 19.2 this AM at 7:15, I went out to get the paper and there was frost on the plastic cover. Apprently the dew froze on the thin plastic cover. To me that is cold.

I can remember it being colder in Ohio but then I was younger and ready to challenge the cold. Now I am ready to sit under my electric "throe" and stay warm.

It is supposed to warm up to the 40s to day and 60s tomorrow. That will be nice. Realy don't like this cold weather.

Good that we did not have moisture with the cold, don't need an ice storm. All that slick would drive these Texans crazy and lead to many auto accidents. They seem to drive at one speed - fast. No thoughts of driving at a reduced rate. Just does not enter their minds.

Another milestone passed. Jack Borden, a lawyer here in Weatherford, died. Jack practiced up to the day he died. So what is significant. Well Jack Borden was 102 years old. Quite a character, once mayor of Weatherford, ex-FBI agent from the WW-II era and even his wife, long since passed away, was a lawyer (though she never practiced law). His law partner was his nephew - he too is already in his sixties. Jack even had a street, albeit a short one, named after him.

Life goes on . . .

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