Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some Silly Things . . .

Mardi Gras is on March 8 this year. My birthday is March 9. So it is on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Really an asupicous beginning this year.

Looks like the Morrison family business meeting is going to be on March 5th. If not the 5th then it will be on the 12th. So I am figuring it will be on the 5th. That will be a trip to New Roads on that weekend.

I have been looking at establishing a web page for the W. C. Morrison family. Lots of stuff can be published and it would be a nice place to host a lot of family trivia. Lord knows, we have a ton of family trivia going back to Jacob Haight Morrison. Some of it has got to be made up but for the most part it is all true. And to think my family were new comers to Pointe Coupee Parish.

Judie's family goes back to literally the beginning of the history of Pointe Coupee, the Gremillion's ancestor was a soldier at Fort DePointe Coupee. That is back into the early 1700s. The Morrison's did not show up until 1856 at Brunswick Plantation.

Brunswick passed on to the Thibauts in the 1930s but my Grandfather had long ago split his share off and it became Angeles Plantation, still in existence to this day. It is now known as the Morrison Farm, Inc. And that is the annual family business meeting conducted on the first weekend of March of every year.

The business meeting is more than just a stock holders session, it is a family gathering. We never know who all will attend, sometimes long lost cousins show up. They are most welcome visitors. We have a grand meal and share our bread with all comers. It is not a big affair but it is a warm affair, warm in that it is family.

Till then . . .

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