Thursday, December 29, 2011

Not Hearing Much . . .

Not hearing much about Oil, Gas and Mineral Leases (OGML) in Pointe Coupee. Seems like all the activity is in the North part of the Pointe Coupee Parish. And if one looks at the stylized drawing of where the Austin Chalk is located, it makes sense.

The older gas deposits could be said to be part of the "Down Dip of the Edwards Shelf." At least the well on Alma, lead scout well of the era, is said to be of that ilk. That is the False River field. As one moves slightly to the North and West, the gas wells are in Judge Digby Field (basically Parlange and Wurtell holdings). Judge Digby is North of and abuts to Frisco Ridge Field.

The Frisco Field is all oil and is down about 11,500 to 13,000 feet in depth. This is an old field and for a while they were ejecting water into it get the dregs of oil out of it. They shut in most of the wells and used one central well to get the oil out. Now, they are drilling a new well at a greater depth - 13,000. I think this is said to be in the Moncref zone, well above the Austin Chalk (or AC) and Judge Digby Tuscaloosa Trend wells.

We are waiting to see how the LaCour #43 turns out. It is reporting a good well but they seem to be working on it a lot post drilling operations. Rumor is that the long lateral, about 7,000 in the AC is subject to collapse.

The AC is hard, naturally fractured but is no where near as hard as the shale beneath it. That shale is said to be the cap to the Tuscaloosa Trend and is known as the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (or TMS).

All the OGML to the North and East of Pointe Coupee Parish, literally across the Mississippi River are said to be for the TMS. So it is AC in Pointe Coupee and TMS in West and East Felecianas, East Baton Rouge Parishes and further East and North into Mississippi along the common state border lines.

The "Go Haynesville Shale" forum seems to think that the TMS and the AC will sort of meld together. The TMS is generally known as the Eagle Ford in adjacent Texas (another hot spot). Truthfully all are slightly different and are related to the Edwards Shelf.

Time will tell.


Ovide LaCour Miller said...

Once again, your information on LaCour 43 is completely wrong. Where do you get your information? You need to get your facts right or you are nothing more than a 'Rumor

False-River said...

I get my information from SONRIS Lite. That is the Depatment of Natural Resources data base for the State of Louisiana. That I round off a bit is no big deal. But if the data is wrong, you need to take on Anadarko's reporting. Also check Go Haynesville Shale Forum, Austin Chalk Forum, and you will even see pictures of the well.

Aa far as I am concerned, you do not have to read my rumor mill.
Lighten up, Ovid, and get a life!