Friday, December 9, 2011

What a Waste . . .

Just read where Tulane is building a football stadium. Well, doh! Why did they tear down the old Sugar Bowl, a fine stadium at one time that was the biggest in all Louisiana. Why the Super Dome of course. It was supposed to replace the Sugar Bowl and be Tulane's home field.

So why can't Tulane play in the "dome." Of course they can and do. But they can not fill the dome much less any new stadium until they have a decent team. They had a shot a making a decent team by playing LSU but got out of that because Toledo's nose was bent out of joint. LSU simply wanted to make a little money on the deal instead of losing money on the deal. Tulane could not even begin to fill the dome thus it was a money losing proposition. Well they finally fired Toledo or he quit which ever comes first.

LSU said play in Baton Rouge and we will continue the series. Tulane said, "Up yours!" They got a one time payout of about a half million dollars and were told don't ever come back. Tulane has sunk even lower and hardly qualifies to be a Division I team anymore.

And now they want to waste money on a new stadium. Have they gone brain dead? They need to build a football team first, they think about a new stadium. If they do not then they will have another empty foregone place to play football.

I would have thought my brothers in New Orleans had more sense.

Geaux Tigers

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