Monday, June 11, 2012

The Green Spring . . .

We have had a green spring, lots of rain spaced out so it does the best job.  The lakes remain full.  The country side has remained green and we had the best Blue Bonnet crops since we have live here some 11 odd years.  The aquifer is full too.

Our problem remains the wild life, principally the deer.  Along with the deer is a goat.  The deer eat different things, the goat eats everything.  We have given up on Day Lilies, but have one volunteer growing out front in a cage.  Even then the deer lean in to get at the leaves and flowers.  They leave Irises alone for the most part.  And they leave aromatic herbs alone too.  They have been known to clip the green tops of Daffodils, though they are supposed to be toxic to them.  Maybe it is just the flowers.

We have one rose bush that takes a beating.  They love to eat the tops out of the rose bushes.  The old fashioned country roses at the other end of the yard have so far escaped the deer and are doing very well.  These bushes are tolerant of local conditions and do not suffer from black spot and other rose bush ills.  Their blooms are smaller but since they can do well here, they are the bush of choice.

All the water has kept the lawn looking good.  And all the fertilizer the lawn service puts on along with the pre-emergents has taken care of 98% of the Dandelions.  They are getting rare now days.  The ones that do make it up are easily taken care of.  And of course, the St Augustine grass laps up the water and is spreading everywhere.

And I saw Fritz this AM.  She always stays somewhere near the bakers rack near the back door.  She seems to know us and tolerate us.  The younger lizard run at the drop of hat.  She just looks on.  So we feel fairly sure she has grown to allow us to live in our house and she will take care of the crickets for us.

The beat goes on . . .

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