Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Grind is on . . .

We slowly in exorbitantly grind down to Christmas.  Time seems to be slowing down.  Yet we note lots of shoppers out there.  Wonder what tomorrow is going to be like

The experts say 10% of the shoppers have yet to do their bargain hunting.  Or if you, gift hunting.  I did note there seems to be less stock in the stores, that indicates the merchants are anticipating a leaner year.  I think they are right what with all the unemployment going on and the Fiscal Cliff threats.

Every body is afraid of taxes.  They are right, taxes are going up.  Maybe indirectly but they are going up.  All the Obama taxes kick in for Obama care.  And many think the President is hell bent on forcing us over the fiscal cliff.  No doubt he may have grossly misjudged the people, certainly the Congress.  The House of Representatives is not buying Obama's demands.

So things are going to get tougher next year for sure.  Could be a new recession or even a new depression.  The President does not seem to care.  Many think he has an socialist agenda and forcing a calamity will enhance his ability to force his ideas on the nation.

Oh well, we will soon know.  The great unwashed are in for a great shock.  The reelection of Obama guarantees nothing.  And they are loathe to recognize that.  So that to will soon be upon us.

With that, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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