Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Badly Needed Rain . . .

We are getting a day and half of rain.  Some embedded thunderstorms included in the mix.  Temperature not bad, right at 50 degrees and winds out of the East North East at about 18 Miles per Hours.   We will amass something around two inches or so of rain, hopefully something better than three inches if we are lucky.

So it is brisk, damp and unpleasant to be out side today.  And it will be that way tonight coupled with fog due to the high humidity.  The rain is to taper off a midnight.

We really needed the rain.  Lake Weatherford, our primary source of water, is down maybe 7 or 8 feet at the present time.  So this will help recharge the lake and the aquifers.  We need to be reminded that we are really on the edge of the desert here, sort of semi arid.  The green we have is usually sporadic and those with green yards have water well irrigation.  The cost of water to use for irrigation around here is expensive at best and often limited in usage.

Thus it is well worth your money to drill a well.  Cost about $5,000 to $7,000 to do so.  But there are limitations imposed by the City of Weatherford and now a water district.  The water district requires you to have at least two acres of land.   Today I could not have a well as we are on only seven tenths of a acre.  Our well is grandfathered, so we can redrill it if we have must do so.

It costs about $200 to $400 a month to use city water that is if you are so allowed to use the water for irrigation.  So you can amortize your well easily in three years.  There after it only cost you up keep and a little electricity.  There have been a time or two that the city has cut off the water for maintenance.  Such times I can drink from my own well, get water to put in toilets and even to wash one's hands when all the other folks must do with out any water.

We are careful to keep the foundation of our home damp, not to let it dry out.  The cycling of dry versus damp cause the expansive soils to move and thus do series damage to one's foundation.  We have some cracks but that is normal concrete cracks.  We do not have stuck doors, sloping floors or other signs of damage.  Our neighbors across the street do.  They have learned the hard way to keep the foundation damp.

Any way the long over due rain is welcome.  We are behind about 20 inches for the year.  This will help start 2013 off to a good start for us.

Keep you powder dry!

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