Thursday, January 17, 2013

Guns . . .

I do not think it is right for the President to issue edicts when there are specific references in the Constitution regarding gun ownership.  He is trying to skirt the Congress and the Constitution with his Presidential Directives.  There is no provision in the Constitution for Presidential Directives which are viewed as regulatory law. While Presidential Directives have been around for years it may bring the issue before the Supreme Court.  Never can tell what the court may do.

The Second Amendment is clear and President Obama does not take it on directly.  He can not do it legally with edicts.  And he knows the gun lobby is to strong for him to get an amendment change through the Congress.  Chicago, his adopted hometown, has steadily lost court battle after court battle over gun ownership.  So has the District of Columbia.  Both of which had banned gun ownership of firearms.  In both cases that has been over ruled.  Both local governments have slapped extraordinary restrictions like "you can own a gun but you can not take it out of your house" kinda of regulation.  Of course, how do you get it to your house?  I know the National Rifle Association has steadfastly attacked such regulations with success.  The Supreme Court has acknowledged "the right to own and bear arms" means just that in the Constitution.

Oh yeah, with all its stringent gun regulation, there have been over 500 murders in Chicago.  So much for the effectiveness of gun regulation.  It does not seem to be working, does it?

Gun issues have a lot of emotional baggage surrounding them.  Nobody wants gun violence but nobody wants to give up their firearms either.  So there is an impasse going on.  Not an easy issue. 

I think Obama is going to lose this one.  I think he will be attacked again and again over the issue.  It may just be another case of the camel getting it nose under the edge of the tent.  It is a start in the liberals mind to total gun control.  It certainly does not solve the issue of crazies doing crazy things.  That is part and partial to the Clinton era of emptying out the asylums and letting the benign crazies roam at will.  And it prohibits putting people in such places: it is frowned upon to send folks off to the loony bin now days, if you can find one anymore.  The states latched on to that and got rid of the crazy houses as a significant cost reduction.  Yes, there are still some private psychiatric hospitals around and they are building more of them but . . .

We know from some of the incidents that we indeed do have such lunatics floating around us just as there an equal number of sex offenders in our midst.  We do not like it but they are all around us. Some of them are obvious raving lunatics and some are just seething under the surface of respectibility.  They are every where.

Gun regulation does not solve this issue, does it?

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