Tuesday, February 25, 2014

At Home Today . . .

My 2010 Ford Explorer is getting a new front bumper today.  A deer decided to cross the road while I was fast approaching.  We collided.  She managed to break the plastic, perhaps fiberglass, front cover over the real bumper.  USAA generously paid for about half of it, I had to pay for the rest of it.  So the car is in the shop.

It is a dreary day, heavily overcast and cool to cold weather.  We had a drizzly rain for a while, not much accumulation like we need, but rain none-the-less.  We will take any we can get.  But it all makes for a nasty day, a great day to stay inside.

Not to fear, Judie, the wife, has her car so we are not house bound.  But its her car not my car and thus might go to places I would not go.  We share but you know, it is still her car.

I wait for the dealer to call.  I am sure it is tedious to remove the bumper (cover?) and reinstall a new one.  One of those jobs that takes time to do.  It is lunch time now so looks like it will take all day to get it done, maybe be ready tomorrow.  I just do not know what to expect.

Until then . . .

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