Monday, June 16, 2014

Iraq Crubles and Obama Fiddles . . .

Like Nero fiddling while Rome burned.  We watch as he stands by making statements and doing nothing.  He is trying to open a dialog with Iran for help.  Give me a break, what sorry assed foreign policy operation.  Is he going to send good wooden John Kerry in or just throw him under the bus.

All of it sounds of desperate strategies to avoid direct confrontation.  The whole world now knows just how weak President Obama is.  He has the power but he does not know what to do with, or how to do something with it except spout platitudes like lines drawn in the sand crap. 

His in action, ineptitude has lead to this debacle.  There is no other possible conclusion.  We do not know why he can not or will not act.  But we can see his inaction.

What a sad day.  He is presiding over the dismantling of the US's power.  It is embarrassing.

And we have two more years of this to come.  Who knows what will pop up next.  Right his signature medical program has taken another hit in that some alleged two million enrollees have lied on their applications.  So his super 7,000,000 signs ups is turning out to be maybe 5,000,000.  And that number is no sufficient to sustain the program.  That means you and me are gonna get stuck with increases in taxes to make it work.

The acts name of Affordable Care Act is a joke.  Except it is not funny.

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