Thursday, June 12, 2014

More Obama Cratering . . .

Looks like Iraq has gone tits up.  Everything this President has done is back firing in his face. 

The VA debacle is a fore runner to Obamacare.  Think we can fix it or the coming Obamacare, don't bet on it.  We are screwing our nation.

The Bowe Bergdahl trade is still smoldering.  The President threw his Sec of Defense under the bus.  Congress chewed up the Sec Def too.

Now we find the FBI has been feeding the IRS re conservative groups.  Does Eric Holder, a person who is in Contempt of Congress, behind this?

Ukraine is on the verge of collapse.  Russia is on the ascendancy again.  We sit and watch and Obama tours the Baltic States and visits Omaha Beach for D-Day ceremonies along with Russia's Putin.

Obamacare sign ups are faulty, seems 20 to 25% of the sign ups are faulty - they lied!  Now we are on tap to pay for this idiocy.

The Iranians have negotiated a deal for their Nuclear Supremacy.  We gave in!

I predict that Iraq will fall.  I predict Afghanistan will fall.  I think Pakistan is on the verge of collapse.

As the Speaker of the House said, "And he takes a nap."

The Sec of State remains "wooden."  He has successfully piss off everybody.  What a dufus!

The borders are porous and being invaded by children.  Obama sleeps.

A decorated Marine rots in a Mexican jail for a simple mistake.  He does nothing to help him yet gives up five hardened killers for a deserter.  He single handedly defied a national standard and now endangers all US citizens overseas. 

It is time to  impeach him for shear incompetence.

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