Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Heat is On . . .

Our rainy season is over.  At least for the foreseeable future.  The ambient temperature has shot up to the mid to high 90s with a lot of humidity.  We are drying out, the lakes as yet are full but the run off has tapered considerably.  Soon the lakes will be falling again as per the local norm.  We may yet get a  thunder shower but not very likely.

The heat index is driven by the humidity and is pushing over 100, feels like more than a 105 or more.  The local water parks are full to capacity as the kids (and parents) are seeking a place to cool off.  Cities and villages are trending toward water slide parks rather than swimming pools.  The danger is not so much of drowning but I guess broken bones and necks are a bit higher.  And the attendees get a thrill going down steep slides, twisting and turning into a relatively shallow pool.

We had a father's day cook out at the flying field yesterday.  Not to many showed up, a few did to enjoy burgers and watermelon.  Then it began to get really hot, so we all kind of packed up and headed home.  Today we are generally staying home and enjoying the real father's day.

I did some model covering.  I have just built back my Stik model, it was a pile of sticks from an errant take off.  I am pretty sure it was bent control rods that caused it all.  I will be checking it out anyway.  I doubled the control rods to prevent bending, not pretty but functional.  I will check out the receiver to make sure it is not going haywire too.  The bird will be a bit heavier with all the additional glue and patches.  Beefed up some of the structure, had to even patch the fuel tank with shoe glue or a similar sealant.  It does not deal with a great deal of pressure so a good patch will work.  I tried to stay away from fiber glass as that is heavy stuff, used around the landing gear mount.  I replace the top deck with 1/8th inch balsa instead on the thinner stuff in the original so I know it is stronger than before.  Getting the covering back on as I write.

I will have to install the landing gear and engine.  The throttle linkage is all set up, just got to hook it up so to speak and she will be ready to go.

It is hot in the garage where I do the work.  So I have to do it early in the AM and then kind of back off and work in spurts.  It is just to hot.

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