Monday, July 24, 2017

The Camp - Cypress Myrtle . . .

The camp carries on.  It is fast becoming the last vestige of the Bill Gremillion family in Pointe Coupee.  It is there in a nice prominent place lake side out on False River in the community of Mix.  Mix no longer has a post office and is fast losing its identity but us old timers know about it.

The Cypress trees are slowly become giants and perhaps a nuisance with there knees coming up all over the place.  But they are distinct and well mark the spot.  The old fish market has been torn down and turned into a deluxe camp next to us.  The new owners made us a ridiculous offer for the camp that was summarily refused.

Soon Paul's domain, the George Gremillion house on Gretchen street, will be on the market and maybe one of the heirs will buy it.  There is always that kind of talk.  But for sure the house will be cleaned up and sold moved on to some one who will also love and live in it.  Nice house, big trees and on a nice street in New Roads.

We have had many a good time at the camp.  Fish fries, crawfish boils and just time away from it all.  It survived the recent floods, and is perhaps in better shape structure wise than ever before.  Yes, we have to pay a bit of taxes and some up keep but it is well worth it as a family enclave.  From time to time some one is using the place to fish, to relax and even to stay for awhile in a semi-vacation.  So it has great value to us.

We are planning to stay overnight Labor Day.  We will be on our way to New Orleans for our annual respite from it all.  We had our honey moon in New Orleans and so return every so often to celebrate our marriage.  We stroll around, shop, dine and rest.  We go no where in particular and soak up memories of sorts.  We do something different, sometimes minor like a ride down St Charles Avenue in a street car or walk around the French Market.

We, Judie and I, will hold on to the undivided portion of camp.  I still retain stock in the plantation our on Pointe Coupee.  We shall ever be from New Roads.  We will return to see the changes and visit with our family.

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