Sunday, October 19, 2008

Crawling Back . . .

Yeah, just that crawling back to life. The lingering cold, sinus infection, or allergy reaction turned into a full scale attack by Friday and Saturday was the worst. Saturday I got up, put on a long sleeve turtle neck, long jeans and crawled into a recliner for the day.

I listened to the TV - that's right I did not watch, dosed on and off, finally took a couple of aspirins and that broke my fever. Skipped breakfast and finally ate some chicken soup (well, a cup of soup out of a packet) for lunch at about 3 PM. Judie prepared her delicious chicken soup with rice for dinner. Another couple of aspirins and . . .

I forced myself to watch the LSU - South Carolina game. It did not look well at the end of the first half. Then LSU's stamina and poise came out in the second half. In the third quarter SC had only 42 yards of offense and by the third quarter had amassed a wopping minus seven yards of offense. They had a good quarterback, good arm and good runner ala Teebow but he was not Teebow. While he had poise in the second quarter, he lost it in the third quarter and got pounded in the fourth quarter.

LSU boxed the quarterback in so he could not run and then preceeded to strip him of the ball on his one run. And then they blitzed him and took him dowm for several sacks and big losses. Since SC could not run the ball, then LSU went into zone defense, and sure enough, the SC quarterback threw the interception with four minutes to play. An LSU safety jumped the route and beat the SC guy to the football. For all practical pupposes the game was over and LSU has won again.

And yes, the SC coach threw his headset on the ground and kicked it. That was worth it. He is frustrated but give him time and he will have a powerful team. But then Lou Holtz could not do it either in four years. Me thinks SC needs to return to the AAC where they belong. Even Vandy can beat them.

And yes, after the game I felt better and had a good night's sleep. I even had a aspirin on my bedside just in case I woke and up and needed it. Did not wake up until the alarm went off. And I turned that off, turned over and went back to sleep.

Now I just feel drained. But no fever and I think what ever it was has run its course. Throat is still a little tender but no more drainage. Ate my usual everyday breakfast of Cheerio's and milk. Fixed the coffee and so far am back on course again.


dorz11 said...

I'm glad your feeling better. LSU wins are good for the recovery!

jlester01 said...

"...even Vandy can beat them..." What does that! mean?! sheesh. can't get no respect...:-)