Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Dreary Day. . .

Yikes, it is a dreary day, when I got up it was overcast and the temperature was 31 degrees. Now it is still overcast, about 11:00 AM, and the temperature is all the way up to 34 degrees. That's double yuck.

But not to worry, just saw on the Drudge Report that Calgary set a new low temperature record, 32.4 degrees below zero. The old record was set in 1893 which was 32.2 degrees below zero. So much for global warming, I bet those folks up in Calgary don't agree with that BS going on in Copenhagen. Yes, Global warming may be occurring, but it is part of the natural cycle of things, the wobble of earth on its axis or whatever. It is not the green house gases generated by modern man, that is less than 1% of the total carbon dioxide being generated by earth itself. Climatic scientists are complaining that the data has been manipulated to make the case for the waco's. They have been caught out by their personal emails.

And Obama Care seems destined to be shelved. Liberals do not like Lieberman's pull out over the government option/buy in for under 55er's. Already Senator Burris of Illinois, the Blaggo briber, says no go for his vote if the public option is not part of the Senate bill. Give me a break, they bought off Senator Mary Landrieu with a $100 million for Louisiana. At least Senator Lieberman is acting with some sanity. President Obama is even over at the Senate trying to coerce a successful vote; he is saying compromise and get me a bill. He does not care to much about what's in the bill as long as he can get something to make him look good. What a President - so hung up on his ego it is unbelievable. I mean all Presidents have larger than life egos, but his seems to be larger than the universe.

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