Thursday, February 11, 2010

SNOW . . .

The snow is coming down so hard here the satellite TV is off the air. The mass of the snow falling blocks the signal. Add the lack of TV sounds to the already deadened atmosphere caused by the snow fall, makes things pleasantly quite.

The stuff is stacking up though. Pretty sure we are gonna be snowed in for a day or two. Saw some school kids out making a snow man down the street. They are enjoying their snow day off.

I could fly in it, but not for long. Collect to much on the wings and she just will not go. So while there is little or no wind, the same signal blocking for TV will do in any Radio Control too. Thus this becomes what we call a "build" day - you get to fix and repair things. You get to work on you kit or whatever turns you on. But for sure you are not gonna fly. Only the birds can do any flying and even then they are kinda hunkered down too.

So its suck up and enjoy time!


Tobin said...

Wow, it's really snowing in False River? Here in Baton Rouge we've only gotten a light sprinkling of ice pellets.

Tobin said...

Oh, never mind, I see now you're in Texas.