Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fritzinna . . .

Well, we think it is Fritzinna, she is bigger than previous lizards that have lived in the wood pile in the past years. And she seemed to have a mate for a while but he moved on. I think I saw him out back in the hose winder house. I saw him run and hide underneath that box. And she is lacking the small coloration on the throat, it is usually a small blue patch. That indicates she is a female; she is larger, more drab coloration, etc. that normally indicates a female in birds and other animal species.

We are amazed at Fritzinna's range. She typically lives in the wood pile next to the chase lounge on the patio. The wood pile is distinct in that her colors match the old oak limbs exactly, so she can sun and it takes a sharp eye to distinguish her from the wood. We often see here on top of the wood pile looking for insects white she sun baths.

We saw her the other day climbing up the Hackberry tree located by the main bathroom window. Slow going but up she went. Must be some food source up there for her to climb it. We wondered if she stayed up there or what.

Then I came around from the back of the house the next day and there she was in front of the big garage door. She would hiding under the flap of the store bought mulch bags that were parked between the garage doors. She would come out and did not seem to be afraid of me. But if Judie showed up in her red blouse, well she ran into the garage or under the mulch quick like a fox. So apparently she can tell her colors and my white T shirt is not a threat but Judies red coloring is a threat. Or at least she does not like Judie.

So we know that she roams quite a distance. I have seen her "deposits" as far away as the air conditioner compressor. And we have seen her up the tree and in front of the garage. She must foray quite a distance for such a small animal. Food reigns king; so she goes where she has to find what she needs.

Pity, she does not like June bugs. But spiders and especially crickets are her delite. Suffice to say, we no longer are plagued by singing crickets at night. She done et them all!

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