Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Crawfish are a coming . . ."

The LSU Tarrant Tigers Crawfish Boil is coming up on April 30. It will be at the US Corps of Engineers park at the top of the hill on the east side of the Benbrook Lake. It is pretty high rise, well above the dam which is to the West of the park.

You take Bryant Irving all the way to the South end. It tee's into a road, turn right and head toward the lake. Just prior to reaching the park, the road turns sharply to the right. On you left is the park with plenty of parking and a covered area. It has rest room facilities and is probably 8 or 10 acres, most of it mowed, but some of it with wild flowers remains un-cut.

Plenty of room for animals both pets and children. It is, however, usually windy. There will be plenty of drinks (free beer), and a sales table with all kinds of LSU stuff.

Gonna be fun. Geaux Tigers!

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