Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Musings . . ."

Thursday we traveled over to Timpson, TX for Millie's funeral. Millie was Judie's first cousin, a step-daughter of her Uncle Ford Gremillion. She died of the dreaded disease, Breast Cancer. Millie knew what was coming as she was a registered nurse and a had a teaching certificate. So she was educated and knowledgeable.

Her married name was Trift and she had two children, a boy and girl. The son is married and lives in Timpson or near by. Both children are grown into their 30's. Timpson is a few miles from Nagodoches, TX, slightly to the north in the piney woods country speckled with oil wells. Timpson appears to be an old town, quite a few brick buildings but time has passed it by, it has but a little more than 1,000 inhabitants and I suspect most of them are urban dwellers, living away from the big city of Nagodoches.

She was interred at Forest Lawn Cemetery there in Timpson. A nice and peaceful place on the edge of town and a nice place for her to rest forever more.

One of the ironies, is that we parked just off the pave path in the cemetery near Millies spot for last ceremonies. As we walked back to the car we noted we had parked next to the Morrison tomb stone. We both mused if that was a message.

After interment, we had a late lunch in the City of Timpson community center. A small but nice facility ideally suited for such a setting. It was in a little park on the south side of the city just down the road from both the funeral pallor and the tiny post office. We got to visit with the family once again.

We kibitzed with Billy and Cherry; Cherry is Millie's little sister and the same age as Judie. They went to school together and finished together at Poydras High School. We got married a year before Cherry and Billy.

Both Billy and Cherry looked well. We learned Billy, an MD and Surgeon, survived a bad Prostate operation where he nearly bled to death. He had signed a document to prevent transfusions (in today's age one can understand that directive with HIV/AIDS running around). It seems he checked himself out of Emory Hospital in Atlanta and went home to Big Canoe to recover. We learned he said some very bad things about University of Emory hospital, like incompetent, etc. He has both the credentials and the experiences to make such statements.

We saw Charlie Gremillion and his son, Nate as well as Patty and her husband. It was a smallish family gathering but then the occasion was not the happiest. This is virtually the only time we see any of them; we never see them in New Roads, the last time was at Taddy's funeral.

Millie is at peace now . . .

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