Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Wow, what a storm. . ."

Late yesterday a slow moving storm came in from the west. It took a long time to get there, slow, agonizingly slow. But it started to rain about 4 PM. If finished this AM at about 7 AM. I am sure we got about two to three inches of rain.

We had lightening and thunder all night long. And it rained and rained and rained. Just did my neighborhood walk and street gutters were still running. The ground is soaked like a sponge and is slowly releasing water into the curbs and down to the storm drains.

This will make everything green, make the grass grow and start the spring. It is way too early but what the heck, it is 84 degrees in Chicago today. Not that hot here but soon will be that temperature and more.

At least the rain will fill Weatherford Lake up, it was still short a foot and half. Perhaps they will have gained a foot more water. That is a good thing. If we get one more long soaker we will have all the reservoirs overfull. Better to have more than less but we run risk of local floods.

Last year it was fires not it is floods. The little rivers in this area are all flowing rapidly. Normally, they do get water in spring but not this much. But with two years of drought, it ain't a bad thing.

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