Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fritzs Confirmed. . .

We now have spotted no less than four Fritz in the yard, with at least two on the back patio. One of which spent the night on the wall behind the Rterge just out sided the door. He was perfectly camouflaged and held his ground.

We had youngster do that last year so I am surmising he is now an adult but still uses his same old location to over night. The wall retains a bit heat as it is in the sun most of the day until noon. So it is warm but not hot. And the Eterge provides a frame work of metal to protect him. He blends in well with the bricks.

Judie notes they are all darker this year. I think they have just not been out of the sun while hibernating and have come up to speed so to speak. We shall see as the summer goes on. Soon they will be foraging on the patio, sometimes even found sitting on the furniture so that they have a better view of their hunting turf.

Some of them are quite tolerant of us and others are skittish. The one on the wall behind the Eterge was tolerant of us. It did not move yet its eyes were open. So he felt safe behind the iron work. But we do not know if he knew we were there are not. No matter, he was present and acoounted for.

The crickets are not as yet out but the hunter is. They love crickets and will go great distances to find them. Read where they will continue to eat them if so fed. They will not stop, they will stuff themselves.

They are a welcome sight.

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