Sunday, November 17, 2013

No Word from the Insurance Executives. . .

Nobody is talking much.  I suspect the insurance executives are not going to do much about  renewals of old policies.  President Obama's fiat ruling does not over ride the law and they are at a quandary.  Obey the law or obey the fiat.  The fiat can go away but if the insurance companies get sued in court, they would lose.  So mum's the word.

I note a couple of state insurance commissioners seem to think the can not put the genie back in the bottle either.  And if they do and the insurance companies acquiesce, the Obamacare is libel to take a big hit actuarialy, not enough new insurers to prop up the system.

Yet to be heard from are the young people.  Are they going to go for the insurance they believe they do not need?  Who knows but I surmise that they will go the least expensive route, pay the fine if the IRS can find them to access the fine.  Big companies and unions get to skate this year but not next year.

So year two could start in the hole and more people will get pissed since they too will lose their insurance.  Only giant outfits like Lockheed, GM, Ford, Boeing who cover their employees will survive.  And they will access the situation.  If they get fined or blamed, they too will drop their self insurance programs.  It will be like the old retirement plans, disappear into something new not at the expense of the company but at the expense of the individual.

Read today where thousands of doctors have been let go from HMOs and the like who no longer can cover their patients.  So if there coverage, there is no need for doctors.  And some will not ever return to the mix after this, they will just retire.  Those that are already retired and do voluntary work will continue for a time but if they do not get adequate compensation, they to will hang it up.

If Obamacare is successful, the medical industry as we know it will cease to exist.  In spite of itself, there will be fewer doctors to take care of more indigent patients.  And that will cause an increase in taxes and a concurrent decrease in GNP.  The economy will slow down again and stay there until Obamacare gets fixed some kind of way.  I do not mean repealed though that is a valid fix, I mean until the government is out of the medical business.  I hope that happens before the industry as we know is destroyed by do gooders, socialists and liberals.  They do not seem to able to see beyond a few inches from their faces.

Hope springs eternal, and that is about all we got.

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